FACT is receiving financial support from the EU for implementing a three-year (January 2016 to
December 2018) Action called “Strengthening Capacity of Fishers’ Network and NGO coalition
towards fisheries resources sustainability and ownership in Mekong and Tonle Sap regions (SFiNNGO).”
The SFiN-NGO specific objective is that “Grassroots Cambodian fishers and communities in
Cambodia’s Mekong and Tonle Sap are well strengthened and empowered to protect and conserve
fisheries resources in sustainable manner”.
This evaluation was conducted four months after the mid-point of the SFiN-NGO Action. It is aimed
at helping FACT re-think its implementation strategy so as to improve the implementation to get
better results –focusing on the Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability– of the Action
for the remaining timeline, based on the lessons learnt from the first half of the Action. Through this
reflection, it is hoped that FACT can best achieve the Action’s specific objective by the end of the
project period.
The evaluation is mainly a qualitative assessment of the Action, and was informed by semistructured
interviews and focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders. Stakeholders were
chosen through purposive sampling, aimed at gaining insights from those best informed about and
actively involved in the Action. Due to time limitations, only one Action site visit was conducted, to
the Bak Rotes FCA in Kang Meas district, Kampong Cham province.
This evaluation complements, and is largely in agreement with an EU “Results Oriented Monitoring”
(ROM) assessment. However, while the ROM deals with the main areas of the focus of the Action
included Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability, this evaluation looks at the Action
more broadly, to gain insights and recommendations for FACT’s longer term strategy.
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