1. Background
Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) was established in 2000 with the aim of promoting the conservation of fishery resources and biodiversity and improving the living conditions of fishermen in Cambodia by strengthening stakeholders in the fisheries sector. FACT has been registered as a non-profit organisation with the Ministry of Interior since 2003. Since its establishement, FACT has successfully implemented numerous major projects in cooperation with national and international partners and government agencies of the Kingdom of Cambodia at all levels, in particular Fisheries Administration (FiA), Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MoAFF), Ministry of Environment (MoE), and all sub-national authorities. FACT has received financial support from international donors such as European Union (EU), Swedish government through Forum Syd (FS/Sida), Oxfam, Magaret A.Cargil Foundation (MACF) through Forum Syd (FS/MACF), and Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ).
Recently, FACT has been approved a new three-year (Jan 2019-Dec 2021) project; “Improvement of the livelihood of fishers through protection and management of natural resources at Tonle Sap wetlands complex in Cambodia”. The project is financed by the BMZ through a German non-for-profit organization, Global Natural Fund (GNF). The project will be implemented in Phat Sanday commune, Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province.
The overall goal is Improving the livelihood of 4,500 people in the fishing community of Phat Sanday on Tonle Sap.
Objective: The local fisheries organisation CFi actively represents its interests and manages the community’s fishery resources in a participatory and sustainable manner, thereby increasing fish stocks.
- the capacity to manage fishery resources has been built up within the local fishermen’s organisation (CFi) in the Phat Sanday community and they are being heard in regional and national networks
- the management of fishery resources has been sustainably improved and fish stocks are recovering
- opportunities for economic diversification are created in exemplary manner
The project will directly benefit to 438 people in the Phat Sanday community, 118 women and 320 men. Among them are 240 people of the youth group (16-30 year olds and unmarried). The indirect target group comprises the rest of the Phat Sanday community, which is not directly organised in the CFi, with a total of 4126 individuals, 2377 of whom are women, 1749 men. Of these, some 2500 belong to the youth group (16-30 year olds and unmarried).
2. Objectives
The overall objective of baseline study is to provide clear and relevant baseline data as part of a longitudinal study, by which project progress, effectiveness, quality and impact can be analysed and measured. The specific objectives of this consultancy are:
- to analyse community issues;
- to assess the effectiveness of community fishery organization – including mandate and internal management review, capacity, and implementation of its management plan-, using FACT’s Eight criteria for effectiveness of CFi;
- to provide and analyse aggregated livelihood situation of local fishers (income generation activities, saving group, and existing capital);
- to measure the average catch per fisherman per day; and
- to analyse local resources, including selection of potential site for eco-tourism establishment and producing local resources map.
3. Expected Outputs
The expected outputs of the consultancy are:
- A concise report in English with maximum of 30 pages, excluding appendixes, which clearly outlines the baseline study process, methods, analysis, findings, and recommendation and applications;
- Oral or visual presentation of the draft and final report to FACT for comments and suggestions;
- Suggest M&E plan/framework template;
- Submission of the final report, database/statistics, analytical framework, and other relevant baseline study documents in soft copy to FACT;
- Presentation of the findings at project launching event on March 20th 2019; and
- Review comments or suggestions after project launching event if necessity.
4. Key Activities
The activities of the consultancy are to:
- Produce a realistic baseline workplan in close consulting with FACT;
- Desk review the project proposal, the reports, database, and other related reports;
- Design appreciated methodology (Outline: rational, objectives, sample approach, data collection tools and approach, and data analysis);
- Prepare and hold fieldwork data collecting with all selected key respondents by applying agreed methodologies including data entry and analysis;
- Meet with project team to present findings from fieldwork prior to writing first draft report;
- Produce a precise baseline report, and suggest M&E plan/framework template
- Present the key findings to FACT and stakeholders at project launching workshop;
- Address comments and suggestion and submit the report, including all data and documents by agreed timeline.
5. Consultancy Qualifications
The national consultant shall have the following:
- A Master’s Degree in natural resources management and development (NRMD), environmental science, fishery, development studies, project management, monitoring and evaluation, or other related disciplines;
- Mininum five years of working experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research studies, baseline assessments, evaluations as well as demonstrated experience in natural resources, eco-tourism, and community development;
- Advanced knowledge on baseline study, monitoring and evaluation, report writing, research methodologies as well as research design, questionnaire design, data collection/analysis processes;
- Strong understanding of fishery context, eco-tourism, livelihood context in Cambodia;
- Fluency in English and Khmer and excellent report writing skills.
6. Timing and Duration
The total Consultant input is expected 13 working days maximum, starting from week 1 of February 2019 with expectation to have the first draft report submmited in week 4 of February 2019. A detailed schedule/activity plan for the consultancy will be prepared by the consultant in close consulting with FACT shortly after signed contract. All relevant documents – including final proposal and detailed schedule/activity plan – must be submitted to FACT by February 1st 2019, specific date to be agreed upon agreement signed. Final draft baseline study report together with other supporting documents such as primelary data, M&E framework and template, local resources map, will be submitted to FACT by March 8th 2019. Final baseline study report will be submitted to FACT within one week after the project launching workshop which is planned to be held on March 20th 2019.
7. Requirements
Interested candidates must submit the following documents for consideration:
- Baseline study protocol, including rational, objectives, sample approach, data collection tools and approach;
- A detailed schedule/activity plan, a budget breakdown for the consultancy including fees and travel, accommodation, and other related costs;
- Organizational profile of consultancy agency (if any);
- Curriculum vitae of the core consultant(s)/team detailing core competencies and relevant work experience, highlighting that with a similar focus to the current task;
- Example of similar report(s) or study(ies) produced in English, and for which the consultant is sole or lead author; and
- A list of at least two referees.
8. Organisation Supports
The consultant is solely responsible for administering the survey and interviews. The total input is 13 working days maximum. To help support the work of the Consultant, FACT will provide copies of relevant documents. The contact of key person is provided, help arrange venue for findings presentation, but Consultant will use their own computer for the work.
Deadline for submission: by 5:00pm of January 25th 2019
Interested candidates should submit their proposal and other required documents mentioned above to FACT by info@fact.org.kh. For any further inquiry, please feel free to raise to (+855) 23 992 044/012 768 609.
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