1. Introduction
The Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) was established in 2000. FACT works to strengthen the NGO coalition, and the Coalition of Cambodia Fishers (CCF) for advocacy on fisheries resources, support the capacity development of fishing community leaders and focal persons and strengthen grassroots organizations (CBOs) to empower them to work and advocate on practical issues that are affecting their livelihoods. FACT implements its project activities in three regions of Cambodia such as Tonle Sap, Coastal and Mekong areas. In collaboration with different NGOs, CBOs, and CFi partners, FACT focuses its work around the Tonle Sap, Mekong and Coastal provinces on fisheries conservation and issues that affect the rights and livelihood of local fishing communities.
With financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Global Nature Fund (GNF), FACT has been implementing a four-year (1st January 2019 to 31st December 2022) project called Improvement of the livelihood of fishers through protection and management of natural resources at Tonle Sap wetlands complex in Cambodia. This project is being implemented by FACT and steered by a Technical Working Group (TWG) which was established in 2019 through a Sech Kdei Samrach (Decision) of Kampong Thom Provincial Governor and H.E Prim Rotha, Kampong Thom Deputy Provincial Governor, is chair and Department of Fisheries Conservation and Department of Community Fisheries Development of national Fisheries Administration (vice-chairs) and other provincial-level concerned departments/institutions/administration are members included Kampong Thom Provincial Administration, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (vice-chair), Department of Environment, Department of Tourism, Kampong Thom Provincial Fisheries Administration Cantonment, FACT, and district administration and local authorities. It is being implemented in Phatsanday commune, Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province.
The project goal is “Improving the livelihood of 4,500 people in the Phat Sanday fishing community of Phat Sanday on Tonle Sap. The outcome of the project: The local fisheries organisation CFi actively represents its interests and manages the community’s fishery resources in a participatory and sustainable manner, thereby increasing fish stocks.
To achieve the results, the outputs of the project had been formed as follows:
- the capacity to manage fishery resources has been built up within the local fishermen’s organisation (CFi) in the Phat Sanday community and they are being heard in regional and national networks
- the management of fishery resources has been sustainably improved and fish stocks are recovering
- opportunities for economic diversification are created in exemplary manner
As the project will be finished by December 2022, the video documentary will be produced highling the success stories, showcase of the meaningful impact the project has delivered associated with the improved fishery resources and livelihoods of Phatsanday Community Fisheries in Kampong Thom.
About the Video Documentary: the hired consultant will be assigned to produce Six 3-5 minute video documentaries that captures project impact and success stories focusing on improvement of the livelihoods of fishers through protection and management of natural resources at Tonle Sap wetlands complex in Cambodia. Note: The project is implemented in Phatsanday commune of Kampong Svay district and Kampong Thom province.
2. Objectives:
To capture in the video impact, success stories, challenges of the project beneficiaries which focus on improvement of the livelihood of fishers through protection and management of natural resources at Tonle Sap wetlands complex in Cambodia.
3. Expected Outputs
The Six 3-5 minute video documentaries will capture the views of beneficiaries and the concerned governmental stakeholders who have been engaging in the project. They should reflect on problems and challenges that were encountered, what steps had been taken by the project intervention to address them.
We are looking out for at least Six (6) video documentaries each last for 3-5 minutes, looking at the core themes of the project.
The first theme will be around the capacity of the community fisheries committee in fishery conservation, second will be livelihood of the beneficiaries, third will surround ecotourism development, the fourth will be focused on drinking water filters and fifth will be collaboration and co-management in fisheries resource management. The last theme will be about waste management in the community.
4. Key Activities
In order to achieve the expected outputs, the activities of the consultancy are to:
- Develop the documentary film’s overall concept and scenario;
- Visit the project sites and interact with the local communities who’ve been impacted by the projects to get context.
- Develop the documentary script and storyboard to be used in the film. Interview selected interviewees for the film who will include actual beneficiaries, local government officials, Implementing Partners and key project staff;
- Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the Projects’ major beneficiaries and stakeholders.
- Present a draft documentary to FACT Office for review and validation
- Produce a FINAL documentary film and a promotional trailer
- And other activities if necessary
5. Required Qualifications & Experience
The consultant/consultancy firm will be required to have:
- 5 and above years of experience working in a similar
- Extensive experience in producing relevant video documentaries for non-governmental organization (NGO) for clients both local and international audiences.
- Experience in working with local and international organizations.
- Basic knowledge on fishery, livelihood, ecotourism, drinking water filter, waste management, etc.
- Excellent technical capacities (state of art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high-quality production.
- Experience in development communication will be an added advantage.
6. Timing and Duration
The duration of the video documentary will take place around 28 working days, starting from 23st November – 20th December including travels in Phnom Penh and travel to Kampong Thom province and Phatsanday commune where situated in Kampong Svay district and Kampong Thom province. A detailed schedule/activity plan for the consultancy will be prepared by the consultant in close consulting with a FACT representative shortly after signing the contract. All relevant documents must be submitted by 25th December 2022, specific date to be agreed upon an agreement signed.
7. Reporting and video
The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:
- An inception report (attached with the setting working schedule) including storyboards to be employed as well as a detailed work plan. The inception report must be approved by FACT before the field work can start.
- Draft video documentaries should be submitted to FACT no later than: 18th December.
- Final video documentaries to be delivered to FACT no later than 25th December.
8. Organization Supports
Total task is 30 working days maximum. To help support the works of the Consultant, FACT will supply relevant documents and database if necessary; and communication with beneficiaries.
9. Budget and Payment
The maximum budget for this evaluation is USD $4,000, including travels of the consultant team, food, accommodation, communication, expenses of workshops, participants’ travel cover cost, writing and reading materials, and other associated costs to the evaluation. FACT will not pay any cost other than the video documentaries fees that have been agreed by both parties.
The fee is subject to tax deduction. FACT will withhold tax from this evaluation fee according to taxation law and remit to the General Department of Taxation.
10. Terms of Payment
The payment of the consultant’s fee will be made in three installments:
- 30% of the evaluation fee will be paid to the consultant(s)/team upon the signature of the consultancy contract.
- 50% of the evaluator’s fee will be paid after the submission of the draft video documentaries.
- The remaining 20% will be paid to the consultant(s) after the final video documentaries have been received and approved by FACT.
11. Procurement
11.1. Tender Procedure
The assignment is subject to an open tender procedure, handled directly by a FACT assessment group. The tenders will be assessed considering the following aspects:
- The contents of the tender (that all the required information is enclosed)
- The qualifications and experience of the Consultant/Consultant Team
- Experience from working with country/sector
- The methodology and approach proposed
- The cost for the tender
11.2. Documentation and information required in tender
Interested candidates must submit the following documents for consideration:
- Technical financial proposal, budget, and expression of interest;
- Work plan including proposed timeline;
- Detailed budget of costs; and
- CV of lead and team evaluator
- Sample of previous work done
- Organizational profile of consultancy agency (if any);
11.3. Submission of Tender and Final Date
The tender, including all required information is to be submitted to FACT by ordinary mail and e-mail as address indicated below at the latest 21st November 2022 at 17:00 to the following address:
Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT), at # 57z, St 430, Sangkat Phsar Deum Thkov, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. or E-mail: to info@fact.org.kh.
Website: www.fact.org.kh.
The envelope/e-mail should be marked; “Tender for BMZ/GNF Video Documentary”
11.4. Contact Data
For further information, kindly contact:
Mr. Born Doeur, Monitoring &Evaluation & Research Officer; Mobile Phone: +855 (0) 12 226 199/10 664 083; E-mail: doeur@fact.org.kh
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