Close to 200 Swedish organisations working to provide development assistance, information and to form public opinion on global issues have gathered under Forum Syd’s umbrella. Collectively, their work is known as development cooperation. Members range from big popular movements with annual budgets measured in hundred of millions of Swedisk Kronor per year, to small local associations supported by the voluntary work of just a few dedicated individuals. Forum Syd is funding focus on the Tonle Sap program.
E-mail: info.kh@forumsyd.org
Website: www.forumsyd.org
During her lifetime, Margaret A. Cargill provided Trustees with guidance to help them identify grantees that reflect her values and hopes for the Foundation. Within the Foundation’s interest areas, Margaret asked Trustees to support programs that address unmet needs; that give individuals and communities the tools to become self-sufficient; that will be sustainable after our support ends; and that build on and strengthen strong relationships within communities. She specifically favored on-the-ground programs rather than policy initiatives or endowments.
Website: www.macphilanthropies.org/macfoundation/
In 1630, John Winthrop delivered his “City on a Hill” speech while standing on the bow of the Arabella. Winthrop’s words set the stage for generations of generosity in America and established a tradition on which Arabella Advisors continues to build by helping our clients bring innovative and strategic approaches to the pursuit of the greater good.
Website: http://www.daimler.com/
Marins Sans Frontières, une association de solidarité internationale créée en 1984 dont la vocation est de porter assistance et secours aux populations isolées par la mer ou par une voie navigable (fleuve, rivière, lac…) ou qui dépendent d’elles et, par là même, d’améliorer leurs conditions de santé et de vie en facilitant les échanges humains, techniques et économiques.
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