FACT strategic plan (2015-2019) was developed through a participatory process. It started with a stakeholders’ consultation (board members, donors, NGO partners, CCF, gender focal points, and CBOs); followed by a five-day strategic planning workshop (facilitated by an external consultant), in which all FACT key staff participated. In the strategic planning workshop, past achievements and challenges were reflected; comments gathered from stakeholders’ consultations were presented and discussed; trend and SWOT analysis was conducted; FACT strategic issues were identified; FACT future directions (vision, mission, goal, and program) were reaffirmed; strategic goals for the next 5 years were formulated; implementing structures (including future staffing) were discussed and decided. A full Khmer workshop record was produced for internal use. Outputs from the workshop were then compiled into a five-year strategic plan.
Background and introduction
The Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) was established in 2000. FACT works to strengthen the NGO coalition, and the Coalition of Cambodian Fishers (CCF) for advocacy on fisheries resources; support the capacity development of fishing community leaders and focal persons; and strengthening grassroots organizations (CBOs) to empower them to work and advocate on practical issues that are affecting their livelihoods. FACT implements its program activities in three regions of Cambodia, in particular Tonle Sap, Coastal and Mekong areas.
The current strategic plan (2012-2014) was implemented, and achieved a number of remarkable successes, including:
Advocacy activities of CCF were successful, leading to Government’s decision to remove all fishing lots in Cambodia. CCF also connected itself to international networks to strengthen their advocacy work;
New working approach of NGO coalition (meeting at provincial level) in developing and implementing a joint plan was more active in addressing fisheries issues at provincial level;
Local focal points (gender, youth, environment) were elected, trained, and linked with each other in the regions (Tonle Sap, Coastal, Mekong) or connected to relevant networks;
Project on climate change responded to community needs, in which role model group for climate change adaptation (CCA) was established, and they have increased knowledge and practices toward CCA;
Local people were more assertive in raising and challenging issues regarding good governance, and their concerns were integrated into commune/district investment plans;
A lot of progress reading gender aspect, both policy development and practices, within FACT, in CBOs, and in communities. Gender focal points became village chief, commune chief, and members of district committee for women and children.
FACT remains a significant organization protecting and conserving fisheries resources and bio-diversity. To continue meeting the needs of poor fishers and staying relevant to the development context, a new five-year strategic plan is developed, and will be used as framework to guide FACT operations.
FACT main roles
To successfully implement its program activities, FACT considers playing three main roles: a) as direct implementer, who has expertise, experience, and resources (human, financial, material); b) as facilitator, who has some resources (material, financial), but will need to mobilize/hire expertise from other relevant sources to undertake the project activities; and c) as bridge, who acts as a link between community and other development organizations in order to fulfill the (missing) needs of fishers. For the next 5 years, FACT main roles will be reflected in the following areas:
- Develop capacity of CCF, CBOs and focal points on organizational development, climate change adaptation, good governance, gender, advocacy/rights; and facilitate capacity development on relevant laws;
- Conduct/facilitate research and information dissemination;
- Organize and develop network (CCF, NGOs, CBOs)
- Facilitate dialogues between relevant stakeholders
- Facilitate/support fisheries conservation activities;
- Facilitate and bridge CCF/CBOs/fishers to relevant institutions to get support;
FACT result measurement
- Improved fishers’ living conditions such as having sufficient / secured foods; eliminated or reduced debts; able to afford children to go to school and at least completed 9th class; fishers have money for daily expenses and health care; they have basic household materials.
- Increased fisheries resources; decreased illegal fishing / misconduct of fisheries resources
- Government changed policies, produced PRAKAS that provide benefits to fishers
- Coalition of Cambodian Fishers functions independently, requires less external support
- Authorities, specialized officials change behaviors – more cooperation with FACT
- TFN, CFN, MFN expressed confidence in facilitating community activities
- #CBOs that become role model CBOs (based on defined criteria)
- CBO members have earned incomes; CBO members demonstrated role modeling in protecting flooding forest (and stop cutting them)
- Fishers are dare to speak out openly about possible negative impact on them, and they seek support from all possible sources
- Disobedient persons changed behaviors – participating in fisheries resource protection
- SNAs pay attention and include fisheries issues into their plan; they share information to all local relevant people
- Women, youths, and gender focal points become brave, dare to express opinions; actively involved in their development activities; and take up leadership roles
- Gender policy is practiced in communities, and local people have gender sensitivity
- NGOs who are members of coalition expressed solitary, actively work together to achieve common goal
- Stakeholders have used the research report to follow up on the implementation of development project
- National assembly/senate listens to fishers’ concerns and reported to government for suitable measures
- Increased community participation in forest planting; increased bio-diversity; % and lengths of growth for mangroves
- # Fishers’ and NGO networks established and supported (including members)
- # CBO networks established in target communes; # youth groups formed
- # Target groups (focal persons, NGO, CCF, stakeholders…) trained; % participants who have knowledge and good understanding of the subjects
- # Training courses provided; # meeting/forums conducted; # campaigns conducted; # complain statements made and #institutions submitted; # researches conducted;
- # Conservation places identified and started; # trees (flooding trees) planted; size of areas; # fingerlings released; # cases/illegal activities stopped; #persons (violators) sent to court;
- # Researches conducted; # newsletter “voice of fishers” published and distributed
- # Study tours organized; # participants in the study tours
- # Patrols made; # issues/needs fishers have raised
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