Phnom Penh, June 27, 2014: Total of around 129 participants from local and international non-government orgnaizations, government agencies, fishery networks, and fishers are pulling together to attend a half-day national roundtable discussion concerns on “Illegal fishing Activities in Cambodia” prepared by The NGO Forum NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) |
NGOs coalition working on fisheries sector and Coalition of Cambodian Fishers(CCF) at CKCC, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Federation Boulevard, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.After the media trip at three regions 12-15 June 2014, the Civil Society Organization representative working on fisheries sector have seen many illegal fishing activities especially, clearing the flooded forests, and pumping the lake and stream. Theses issues are the enormous negative impacts on the biodiversity such as rarely some fish species and particularly the fishery resources which is the important source to people’s livelihoods in Cambodia.
Consequently, NGOs coalition and the Coalition of Cambodia Fishery (CCF) decided to address the “ Free from Illegal Fishing ”.
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