Case study 5 (Village Story 5)
Good afternoon! My name is Doung Savan, female, 29, with 2 children lives in Trapaing Kok village, Toul Sala commune, Borseth district and Kampong Speu province. I am one of five executive member of Community based Organization (CBO) of Civil Society Pro-Poor Market (CSPPM) project running on National Resource Management (NRM) is new component of PNKS. I was elected as the chief by villagers on Dec 25, 2008.
I feel that I am afraid to make a candidate for election, because of I am a woman with low knowledge, but I can write and read a little. However, I am interested in doing this work so much, because I want my community to have improved of livelihood through implementation CBO activities that have planed with CBO executive members. The CBO has been formed by PNKS with three main important activities such as Voice, Natural Resource Management and Market development. According the three main activities,
, I have commitment to do this work to develop small proposal and submit to CCs, CCs has budget 4000$ per year working on NRM, and CRS to access for small grant to implement activities in CBO. The proposal centres on capacity building such as: land law, forest law, and exposure field visit, commune investment plan (CIP), commune development plan (CDP) and Business. Now I am trying to be worked hard in the CBO, inviting people to attend in the meeting to orient CBO activities running in the future, encouraging them to raise their needs (voice) into CIP. However, I am always happy with my work, because I can afford to help my whole village to improve knowledge Natural Resources Management and livelihood.
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