On April 23rd 2019, Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) organized a project launching workshop at Tonle Basac II restaurant, Phnom Penh, to officially kick-off the implementation of the project “Improvement of the livelihood of fishers through protection and management of natural resources at Tonle Sap wetlands complex in Cambodia”.
NGO partners, community fisheries (CFi) committee/members from the project targeted area, competent authorities from Phatsanday commune, Kampong Svay district and Kampong Thom province, national and sub-national Fisheries Administration (FiA), Tonle Sap Authority (TSA), concerned ministries included Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, and Ministry of Tourism, and media persons totaling 50 participants (13 women-26% and 4 youths-8%)
attended the event.
The project is financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of German government (BMZ) via a German NGO partner The Global Nature Fund (GNF) where its HQ is in Germany. It’s three-year project starting from Jan 1st 2019 to Dec 31st 2021 with value of project costs at 360,000USD and is implemented at Phat Sanday commune of Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province.
The project goal is improving the livelihood of 4,500 people in the fishing community of Phat Sanday on Tonle Sap.
Objective: The local fisheries organisation CFi actively represents its interests and manages the community’s fishery resources in a participatory and sustainable manner, thereby increasing fish stocks. There are three key results as follow:
- The capacity to manage fishery resources has been built up within the local fishermen’s organisation (CFi) in the Phat Sanday community and they are being heard in regional and national networks
- The management of fishery resources has been sustainably improved and fish stocks are recovering
- Opportunities for economic diversification are created in exemplary manner
Key activities:
- Strengthening and capacity building of local fisheries organisations (CBOs/CFIs)
- Improving the management of fishery resources
- Diversification of the local economy
- Networking, political lobbying and meetings with stakeholders
Some of our event photos
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