Project Title: Building capacity of local community on mangrove management in Tuol Torteung commune
Project Site: All four villages (Tuol Torteung 1, Tuol Torteung 2, Tuol Torteung 3 and Champou Khmao) in Tuol Torteung commune, Prey Nub district, Preah Sihanouk province, Cambodia.
Project Objective: Strengthen the capacity of local community on mangrove ecosystem management;
Project start date: 01 June, 2016
Project duration: 12 months
Brief Project description:
- Organize dissemination meeting for introducing on project objectives and project intervention;
- Conduct two one-day capacity training course on sustainable mangrove ecosystem management and other related subjects;
- Conduct trainings on Gender mainstreaming, impact from climate change and mangrove ecosystem resilience, local good governance of Natural Resources Management (NRM);
- Establish one mangrove patrolling group;
- Conduct two training courses to 15 patrolling team members
- Support patrolling activities;
- Support reporting development;
- Develop five sign-boards
- Plant mangrove seedlings
- Conduct Environment Day
- Review and update mangrove protection regulations
- Conduct consultation meeting with relevant agencies
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